New and Returning Student Forms
טפסים לתלמיד חדש
Student Forms
2024-2025 School Year
Whether you are attending Ida Crown Jewish Academy as a freshman or transfer student, there are mandatory forms that must be completed and submitted to the ICJA office before the start of the school year. There are also optional forms for Athletics, Yearbook, and our Academy Associates parent organization (ICJAA).
All forms may be completed and submitted online. However, hard copies of all of the forms are also available at the front office.
If you are a new family registering for the first time, you may access the Registration Form here.
We are now offering continuous enrollment. Our current families are enrolled the remaining years of school once registered.
Click here for Application Forms
Mandatory Forms:
Click Here for Emergency Form When you click on this link, log into the ddc portal and click on My Account. Select Emergency Form, review the information, update any necessary information and save the form. If you have not yet registered for the ddc portal, please contact Ms. Nylund in the office at (773) 973-1450 x139.
Click Here for Medical and Dental (Health and Immunization Records) Forms Click this link to log into the ddc portal. New users must Register to create a new account. Click the “My Account” tab then select “medical forms” and fill out all the screens. Option 1, print out the medical form from the portal and have your child’s doctor fill in the up to date vaccination records and email them to Option 2, have your doctor’s office send you updated records and upload that to the portal. Once all screens are complete, click Submit in order to complete the health form submission. Please note: All new students must submit a dental form. A vision form is required for students who are new to an Illinois school.“
- Birth Certificate (a copy is fine)
- Technology Resources Online Agreement: Click here to complete and submit
- ICJA iPad User Agreement 2024-25: Click here to access the form: print it out and submit at Orientation.
- Home Language Online Survey: Click here to complete and submit
- Race and Ethnicity Online Form: Click here to complete and submit
- Student Contact Information Online Form: Click here to complete and submit
All health forms must be submitted prior to the first day of school.
Student Medicine Self-Administration
Students are permitted to self-administer medication in accordance with school code 105 ILCS 5/22-30.
Parents or guardians whose student is prescribed asthma medication must submit:
- 1. a signed parent permission notification
- 2. the prescription label, containing the following information,
- a. the name of the asthma medication,
- b. the prescribed dosage, and,
- c. the time or circumstances in which the medicine is to be administered.
ICJA requests parents or guardians annually submit an asthma action plan if their student has a prescribed asthma medication.
Parents or guardians whose student is prescribed epinephrine injectors must submit:
- 1. a written authorization from the student’s physician (assistant) or advanced practice nurse, and
- 2. a written statement from the student’s physician (assistant) or advanced practice nurse containing the following information,
- a. the name and purpose of the injector
- b. the prescribed dosage, and
- c. the time or circumstances in which the injector is to be administered.
Parents or guardians whose student is prescribed diabetes/seizure medication that have asked for assistance with managing their care must submit the following:
- 1. a care plan signed by the student’s parent/guardian,
- 2. a copy of any prescriptions and methods of administration.
Optional Forms:
- Athletic forms: Athletic forms can be found on Student life\Athletics or by Clicking here.
- Academy Associates Membership Form: The Academy Associates (ICJAA) is our parent organization, which supports our students and staff throughout the year. As a member of this organization, you will receive an Academy Associates Student Directory and a discount card offering discounts at many area food establishments. The $30 Basic Membership includes one student directory and one discount card. The $40 Family Membership includes two student directories and two discount cards. Each additional membership discount card is $10 and requires the $30 membership level or higher. Each additional student directory is $5 and also requires the $30 membership level or higher. Click here to join.
- Yearbook: The Ida Crown Yearbook staff is already working diligently to create an exciting and meaningful yearbook for the upcoming year’s students and faculty. We are now selling the 2024 edition of our Yearbook. Click here to order.
Prior to all practice or competition, all student athletes, and their parent or guardian, must have signed an information document approved by the IHSA about the school’s policy on concussion and head injuries. In addition, prior to all practices or competitions, all student athletes must have had an annual sports physical within the last 395 days.
ICJA must check the Illinois State Police Missing Persons Database when receiving a records request for any current or former student.
Certified copies of transfer students’ records must be requested within 14 days of enrollment; ICJA must send unofficial records of students transferring to other schools within 10 days of the request.